Public Input

This page contains Commission documents which are currently available for public review and comment. In most cases, these documents will be in Abobe PDF format. Click here to download Acrobat Reader.

We encourage you to download these documents and forward your comments to the identified individual(s) via email or mail. The Commission's mailing address is: 1050 N. Highland Street, Arlington, VA 22201. You may also submit your comments directly to the Commission at

Pending Actions (currently accepting public comment)


American Lobster

Draft Addendum XXXI to Amendment 3 to the Interstate Fishery Management Plan for American Lobster: Postponing Implementation of Addendum XXVII Measures.  The Draft Addendum considers postponing the implementation of Addendum XXVII gauge and escape vent size changes to July 1, 2025.  Addendum XXVII was adopted in May 2023 and established a trigger mechanism to automatically implement management measures to provide additional protection of the Gulf of Maine/Georges Bank (GOM/GBK) spawning stock biomass. Changes to the current gauge and escape vent sizes in Lobster Conservation Management Areas (LCMAs) 1, 3, and Outer Cape Cod (OCC) were triggered based on observed changes in recruit abundance indices in October 2023 with the inclusion of 2022 survey data in the trigger index. The Board then extended the implementation date to begin the series of changes to gauge and vent size by January 1, 2025, starting with an increase to the minimum gauge size in LCMA 1 from 3 ¼” to 3 5/16”.


Based on a meeting held between US and Canadian lobster fishery managers and industry members in June 2024, the Board determined that postponing implementation of Addendum XXVII’s biological measures to July 1, 2025 would reduce negative impacts to the US and Canadian lobster industries in 2025 and allow Canada more time to consider implementing complementary management measures. Thus, Draft Addendum XXXI considers postponing the changes in minimum gauge size for LCMA 1 (inshore Gulf of Maine), and the measures under Section 3.1 of Addendum XXVII to create a common size limit for state-only and federal permit holders fishing in OCC to July 1, 2025. The Draft Addendum does not consider postponing regulations prohibiting the issuance of 10% additional trap tags in Areas 1 and 3 above the trap limit or allocation.


Submitting Comments

The public is encouraged to submit comments at any time during the addendum process. Public comment will be accepted until 11:59 PM (EST) on October 6, 2024 and should be sent to:


Caitlin Starks
Senior FMP Coordinator
1050 N. Highland Street
Suite 200 A-N

Arlington, Virginia 22201
or to (Subject line: Lobster Draft Addendum XXXI)


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Summer Flounder


Summer Flounder Draft Addendum XXXV: Changes to Summer Flounder Commercial Mesh Exemption Programs. The Draft Addendum considers changes to two exemptions to the summer flounder commercial minimum mesh size requirements: the Small Mesh Exemption Program (SMEP) and the flynet exemption. These changes are being considered following industry feedback indicating the SMEP has become an important program to maintain the economic viability of businesses and the definition of a flynet should be updated to reflect modern gear configurations and use patterns. Specifically, the Draft Addendum considers moving the western boundary of the SMEP approximately five miles westward, changes to the review methodology of the SMEP, and updates to the definition of a flynet under the flynet exemption. The Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council is considering an identical set of options through a framework action.


Submit Comment
Comments received during a public comment period on a proposed management action play an important role in the Commission’s fisheries management process. All comments, whether they are individually submitted or as part of a larger, coordinated stakeholder response, are considered equally by a species management board when it determines final management action. When staff compiles all comments received, they use a categorization process to help the board effectively and efficiently navigate submitted public comment, whether it is 50 or 300,000 comments. Three or more comments that have the same language or state support for an organization’s comments are considered form letters. However, if the commenter provides additional comments/rationale related to a potential management action beyond the organization’s or letter’s comments, then it is considered an individual comment.


All those interested in the management of summer flounder  are encouraged to provide input either by participating in the virtual public hearings, or providing written comment. Public comment will be accepted until 11:59 PM (EST) on Sepetmber 28, 2024 and should be sent to:


Chelsea Tuohy

FMP Coordinator

1050 N. Highland Street
Suite 200 A-N

Arlington, Virginia 22201 (Subject line: Summer Flounder Draft Addendum XXXV). 


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