ASMFC 2025 Winter Meeting

February 4 - 5

Westin Crystal City
1800 Richmond Highway
Arlington, VA  22202

Preliminary Agenda

The agenda is subject to change. Bulleted items represent the anticipated major issues to be discussed or acted upon at the meeting. The final agenda will include additional items and may revise the bulleted items provided below. The agenda reflects the current estimate of time required for scheduled Board meetings. The Commission may adjust this agenda in accordance with the actual duration of Board meetings. Interested parties should anticipate Boards starting earlier or later than indicated herein.

General Background Materials

Public Comment Guidelines

To provide a fair opportunity for public input, the ISFMP Policy Board has approved the following guidelines for use at management board meetings:


For issues that are not on the agenda, management boards will continue to provide opportunities to the public to bring matters of concern to the board’s attention at the start of each board meeting. Board chairs will ask members of the public to raise their hands to let the chair know they would like to speak. Depending upon the number of commenters, the board chair will decide how to allocate the available time on the agenda (typically 10 minutes) to the number of people who want to speak.


For topics that are on the agenda, but have not gone out for public comment, board chairs will provide limited opportunity for comment, taking into account the time allotted on the agenda for the topic.

Chairs will have flexibility in deciding how to allocate comment opportunities; this could include hearing one comment in favor and one in opposition until the chair is satisfied further comments will not provide additional insight to the board.


For agenda action items that have already gone out for public comment, it is the Policy Board’s intent to end the occasional practice of allowing extensive and lengthy public comments. Currently, board chairs have the discretion to decide what public comment to allow in these circumstances.


In addition, the following timeline has been established for the submission of written comments for issues for which the Commission has NOT established a specific public comment period (i.e., in response to proposed management action).

  1. Comments received three weeks prior to the start of a meeting week (January 13) will be included in the briefing materials.
  2. Comments received by 5 PM on Tuesday, January 28 will be included in supplemental materials.
  3. Comments received by 10 AM on Friday, January 31 will be distributed electronically to Commissioners/Board members prior to the meeting.


The submitted comments must clearly indicate the commenter’s expectation from the ASMFC staff regarding distribution.  As with other public comment, it will be accepted via mail and email.

Tuesday, February 4

9 - 10:30 AM

American Lobster Management Board

  • Progress Update on American Lobster Benchmark Stock Assessment
  • Jonah Crab Data update 
  • Lobster Conservation Management Team Reports for Areas 2 and 3 (respond if necessary)
10:45 AM - Noon

Spiny Dogfish Management Board

  • Consider Draft Addendum VII to Reduce Sturgeon Bycatch for Final Approval 
  • Set 2025/2026 Specifications
Noon - 1 PM Lunch Break
1 - 2:30 PM

Horseshoe Crab Management Board

  • Consider for Public Comment Draft Addendum IX on Multi-year Specifications for Male Only Harvest of Delaware Bay-origin Horseshoe Crabs
  • Review Adaptative Resource Management Subcommittee Recommendations Regarding Input on Changes to Reward/Utility Functions
  • Review and Populate Advisory Panel Membership
  • Elect Vice-Chair
2:45 - 4:45 PM

Atlantic Striped Bass Management Board

  • Discuss Stock Assessment Schedule
    • Review Timing of 2027 Benchmark Stock Assessment and Board Discussion on Whether to Conduct 2026 Assessment Update
  • Board Guidance on Scope of Draft Addendum III for 2026 Measures

Wednesday, February 5

8 - 10 AM

Executive Committee

  • Review White Paper on Board Voting and Virtual Meeting Standard Operating Practices and Procedures
  • Future Annual Meetings
10:15 - 11:45 AM

Interstate Fisheries Management Program Policy Board

  • Review Results of 2025 Commissioner Survey
  • Review White Paper on Board Voting and Virtual Meeting Standard Operating Practices and Procedures
  • Review Noncompliance Findings, if necessary
11:45 AM - Noon

Commission Business Session

  • Consider Noncompliance Recommendations, if necessary
Noon - 1 PM Lunch Break
1 - 5 PM

Atlantic Menhaden Work Group on Precautionary Management in Chesapeake Bay